Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians (2nd Edition)
The R Book
#!/usr/bin/Rscript getData = function(instrument,lookback=365){ # instrument tells the stock ticker # default lookback is 365 days # Format the start date starty = format(Sys.time()-60*60*24*lookback,"%Y") startm = format(Sys.time()-60*60*24*lookback,"%m") startd = format(Sys.time()-60*60*24*lookback,"%d") # Format the stop date endy = format(Sys.time(),"%Y") endm = format(Sys.time(),"%m") endd = format(Sys.time(),"%d") # Create a url. Using Y! Finance here # You can use any site which offers this data url = paste("", instrument,"&a=", startm,"&b=", startd,"&c=", starty,"&d=", endm,"&e=", endd,"&f=", endy,"&g=d&ignore=.csv", sep="") # The destination file to write out this data # Use the pid of the process # Its a simple way to get uniqueness destfile = paste("out.txt.",Sys.getpid()) print(url) cat("Fetching data from Y! Finance for ", instrument," Ranging ", starty,startm," -> ", endy,endm,"\n") # Fetch that data status = download.file(url,destfile,method="auto",quiet=TRUE,cacheOK=FALSE) if(status != 0){ # Some error. Stop! unlink(destfile) stop(paste("Download error, status ",status)) } nlines = length(count.fields(destfile,sep="\n")) if(nlines == 1){ # Site didn't return data unlink(destfile) stop(paste("No data available for",instrument)) } # Read the data in as a table data = read.table(file=destfile,sep=",",header=T, # Delete the temporary file unlink(destfile) # Return the data data } argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly=T) if(length(argv) != 1){ cat("Usage: this-file.rggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis (Use R!)\n") q() } # Get 60 days look back data x = getData(argv[1],60) # Check to see if its there head(x)
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